Attention: The message below is important; send to everyone that you know old enough to vote. Take the opportunity to fire a couple of judges that do not respect the wishes of the people.
I am sure most of you have heard that the Florida Supreme Court has ruled that the people of the state of Florida should not have a chance to vote on health care freedom. They have taken Amendment 9, the Florida Health care Freedom Act, off of November's ballot. Thankfully, we have a way to send a message to the Justices on the Court. In November two of the Justices that voted AGAINST health care freedom will be on your ballot. They are not running against anyone, it is just a yes or no question but we want to make sure that these two people do NOT make their way back to the bench. This has never been done before, these guys are always retained with 60-ish % - not this time!
The two offenders are PERRY and LABARGA. We want to vote to NOT retain these two freedom-haters. There will be more information about this in the coming weeks and there is a grassroots effort underway right now to educate the people about these two and their vote against freedom and the people of the state of Florida . Remember those names: PERRY and LABARGA and DO NOT retain them.
Please start spreading the word to your friends and social networks.
This is an important one because healthcare freedom could go to the Court again and we want to make sure the Supreme Court doesn't take our voice away a second time.