“ I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

Daddy's got your back Son.

Daddy's got your back Son.
Though the world may come against you like a flood

Who we are

Faith is the Foundation For Freedom! Not just a slogan, not an organization. We are many yet We are one. Businessmen, Farmers, Workers, Statesmen, Soldiers, Pastors, Husbands and Wives, Fathers and Mothers, Sons and Daughters, Brothers and Sisters, Families, all across these United States of America standing together as a Lighthouse to the World proclaiming Faith is the Foundation For Freedom!

Our Mission

Our Mission is to honor the King of Kings by serving and supporting those He has called to build His Kingdom. Each of us is a Soldier in the Army of God. We serve one another in that field or vocation where we have been called and chosen according to our various gifts and talents. We endeavor together to proclaim the Gospel which is the only true Foundation For Freedom. The Faith in which these great United States of America was founded upon. Let us with diligence keep that which has been entrusted to each generation.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

An Open Letter to Florida Congressman David Jolly

An Open Letter to FL Congressman David Jolly
Regarding the reversal of your position on
Homosexual Marriage 

Dear Congressman Jolly,
We recently learned of the complete reversal of your position on homosexual marriage from the Washington Post.  Please know how profoundly disappointed we are in this decision. 
So many of us worked, walked, called, gave money and voted to help you get elected and defeat the liberal Democrat Alex Sink because you personally assured us that you were a conservative Republican who believed that marriage was between one man and one woman. 
In church after church, you publicly stated your support for the policy behind Florida's law and Florida's constitution which clearly defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman, as over 30 other states have done. 
Just months ago, you told us that you supported a "state's right" to define marriage which is consistent with the holding of the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court case of U.S. vs. Windsor -- yet now you are completely failing to support your own state's law and the constitutional mandate passed by five million Floridians.
You ran for office in Florida's Congressional District 13, which is completely contained within Pinellas County where 54.3% of the voters voted in favor of marriage being between one man and one woman in 2008.
You ran for Congress as a member of the Republican Party with a platform clearly affirming that "marriage, the union of one man and one woman must be upheld as the national standard" and now you have turned your back on this standard. 
By agreeing with the judge's recent ruling in Monroe County, you promote the fiction that Florida's marriage laws have been declared unconstitutional by some legitimate authority.  The Federal Courts have clearly not given their final word on this matter and the ruling is being appealed by Florida's Attorney General. 
Even worse, when you agree with this lower court's opinion, you also agree with his irresponsible claim that citizens in your district who passed the marriage amendment were motivated by "animus" or hatred toward gay-identified persons.  Nothing could be further from the truth or more morally repugnant to us, as we all affirm the inherent dignity and value of every human being. 
We reject your illusory and false dichotomy between your "personal views" and "public views" as a legislator as you made no such distinction during your campaign.  Liberals for years have made the same arguments to deceptively triangulate on other moral issues. 
You make much of talking about the government having no place protecting the "sanctity of marriage," which misses the point and is an argument no one is making. 
Your statements in the Washington Post are not those of a serious-minded and thoughtful legislator who understands the state's compelling interest in the economic and social implications inherent within the institutions of marriage and family.
We are profoundly disappointed in this announcement and now we can only wonder what other issues you might change your views on.  Please know that we consider your reversal on this critical issue to be an act of cowardice and a betrayal to the very persons that worked extremely hard to get you elected to office. 
We call upon you to publicly apologize for this mistake and hold fast to your original position that states should define marriage as it has always been, the union of one man and one woman only.  We also challenge you to not cower to the pressure, demands and intimidation of homosexual activists.  Finally, we exhort you to be governed not by polls, politics and profits but instead to be governed by principle and what is in the best interest of children, families and the common good of society.  Your future as the Congressman representing us in Florida's District 13 is counting on it.
Respectfully, your campaign volunteers, financial supporters and constituents:
Regina Brown, Florida Family Action
Rex Brown, Contractor, Largo
Mark Phillips, Florida Family Action, Dunedin
John Burgess, Retired, St. Pete
Betsy Burgess, Retited, St. Pete
Rev. Glenn Pav, Largo
Nancy Davis, Retired, Seminole
Pastor Randy Morris, Seminole
Tom Beckwith, Business Owner
Liddora Beckwith, Seminole
Pastor Anthony McDaniel
Kendra McDaniel, Clearwater
Pastor Duran Carder
Shannon Carder, Largo
Tina Neuhauser, Largo
Anthony Neuhauser, Largo
Rev. David Tristani, St. Pete
Pastor Kyle Mills, Largo
Pastor Garrett Mills, Clearwater
Pastor Anel Avila
Emily Avila, St Pete
Emily Gibson Walker
Joel Walker, Largo
Laura Works, Largo
Darl Works, Largo
Joanne Neuhauser, Largo
Bruce Bacon
Delane Bacon, Largo
Bronson Oudshoff
Misty Oudshoff, Clearwater
Gery Cuprisin
Dyan Cuprisin, Largo
Mark Kober, Largo
Paula Dorzuk, Largo
James Free
Jackie Free, Largo
Candis Flores, Largo
Joe Cortese
Pam Cortese, Largo
Mike Delana
Jen Delana, Largo
Anthony Utegaard
Leah Utegaard, Largo
Kimberly Joly, Largo
Judith Goldsberry, Clearwater
Stephanie McCaffery, Largo
Randy Carter
Donna Carter, Largo
Markas Bell, Tampa
Douglas Hill
Jennifer Hill, Dunedin
Stew Bottorf
Jean Bottorf, Dunedin
Pastor Curtis Swan, Dunedin
Ronald Curvello
Kristin Curvello, Dunedin
Alexa McDaniel, Largo
Alivia McDaniel
Ann Kennedy, Dunedin

Irene Desouza, Dunedin
Jerod Powers, Duval
Frances Powers, Duval

The Tampa Bay Times coverage of this letter can be found HERE: 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The "Redskins" ruled offensive...Give me a break

The term Redskins has been ruled "disparaging" according to a recent ruling by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, was filed on behalf of five Native Americans. 
"Alfred Putnam Jr., the chairman of Drinker Biddle & Reath, said. “The dedication and professionalism of our attorneys and the determination of our clients have resulted in a milestone victory that will serve as an historic precedent.” read the story from the Washington Post here.
No, this cannot be refuted by the liberal Snopes.com although they are conspicously silent today.This is going to set a scary precedence for many frivolous suits. The image above is obviously the Florida State logo as opposed to this:

However, I am encouraged to see that even the voice of a few can make such sweeping changes if people continue to keep the pressure up. The old Reagan adage," If they won't see the light, make them feel the heat." This goes to show that you may only have One Voice and One Vote, but how are you going to use your One Voice and One Vote? These people fought long and hard to win this decision and whether we agree with it or not, we must admire their tenacity and determination to have fought this over 3o years.
Why is it that those of us who support issues that make a difference in our world and stand for the righteousness of God do not stand together and fight for the freedoms that He has given us in this Country? 
Faith is the Foundation For Freedom...

Thursday, June 12, 2014


I believe that this is exactly why schools are the way that they are today. We have replaced simple logic and math with the pretenses of wicked men and an ignorant population.

"The results are in! The 2014 Gallup Values and Beliefs survey, conducted May 8–11, reveals the United States’ current perspective on the origins of life. Researchers polled a random sample of 1,028 adults, ages 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. States and the District of Columbia. According to the poll, four out of 10 Americans believe the creation science view of human origins, and three in four confirm that the Bible is the Word of God."

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